While the expulsion or passing of gas has always had an element of social embarrassment and humor (the cowboys in Mel Brooks’ movie Blazing Saddles suffering around the campfire, or grandpa’s famous “pull my finger” stunt), the production of gas is a natural and healthy part of the human digestive process.
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Most people produce between 1-3 pints of gas a day, either through the swallowing of air during digestion (chewing, eating/drinking too fast, drinking carbonated beverages, and even having loose-fitting dentures) or through the creation of gas as undigested food (primarily carbohydrates) is broken down.
That gas is typically passed (from one end of the digestive tract or the other!) around 10 times a day, but burps or toots (as my Mom would call them) of 20-25 times a day can still be considered normal. More than that is considered to be flatulence and is considered to be excessive.
The largest components of digestive gas (known as flatus) are actually odorless – the offensive smells are usually from trace compounds such as sulfur.
Causes of flatulence can be difficult to identify because foods that cause gas in one person may not have the same effect in another:
- Monitoring how you eat – the speed at which you chew/swallow (taking in air) – may help.
- Limiting carbohydrates in your diet – especially beans, onions, starches, and excessive soluble fiber – will help to limit gas production in your intestines.
- Consider your age – as we get older, our ability to digest lactose (the natural sugar found in dairy products) can be limited by low levels of the enzyme lactase.
- Look at incorporating digestive enzymes in products such as RezVera as a way of stabilizing your digestive processes.
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My blog is for information purposes only – as a fellow sufferer of many of these conditions, I have done a lot of research and wanted to share that material with as many people as possible. Do not self-diagnose your condition – many of these symptoms can be indicative of bigger health problems. I have found that taking a supplement like RezVera has been very helpful for me, but if you’re experiencing severe or chronic flatulence that is frequent or prolonged, consult a doctor for a full medical diagnosis.